5 DIY Winter Home Projects
As we head toward the end of the year, it's a perfect time to break out your to-do list and revisit those home projects you've been wanting to cross off.
3 Holiday Safety Tips for Children

Despite the beauty and festivity that holiday decorations bring to our homes, they are potential hazards in the hands of small children. Avoid disaster by taking these precautions ahead of time so everyone can enjoy your holidays at home safely. 

Keep hanging decorations well out of reach, as well as any holiday set pieces that may be dangling from your mantle or around the fireplace.

Supervise lit candles. An open flame can quickly lead to an emergency, so make sure that your candles are placed somewhere out of children's reach where you can easily keep an eye on them.

Make sure your power strips are stowed away and all extensions cords are neatly tucked into corners, under the carpet, or behind furniture to avoid a tripping hazard. If you're decorating a tree for the holidays, keep the bottom branches clear of ornaments so they're out of reach for young children.

Keep Your Plants Healthy During Trips

Whether you're flying across the country to visit family or driving to the other side of town to be with friends, travel is a natural part of the holiday season. It's important to keep your plants healthy during your trips, especially if you'll be away from home for an extended period of time.

Home Pricing Guide

Here are the average three-bedroom home sale prices in some of the neighborhoods served by Windermere. Data from March 1, 2021 – August 31, 2021.

I hope this issue of Home Update inspires you to continue to make progress on your to-do list. Whether you've got a long list of remodeling projects or just need to put the finishing touches on a few rooms, accomplishing home projects on your own strengthens your connection to it.

Projects like these will also help to increase the value of your home, so if you're thinking about selling soon, you've picked a great time to make improvements. A home with fresh upgrades appeals to buyers and can help your home stand out from other listings in your area. If you're curious about which renovation projects have the most resale value for homes near you, recent trends in your local real estate market, or for any help planning a home sale or purchase, feel free to contact me anytime.

Karen McLaughlin
(503) 887-0828
Licensed in Oregon

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If you are already working with an agent, this is not meant as a solicitation for that business.

Windermere Real Estate